I need to chat with a certified teacher about reading and methods for teaching reading. I am a third year teaching major. Preferrably someone outside of US or atleast SC. Please respond this is a time sensitive project. Thank you.
I have an 8th grader who reads very well, but is almost a non-writer. He says he doesn't even know how to start. Today, I gave the class each their choice of a folder with a picture inside--pictures are varied in each folder. He selected the one he wanted, but was still sitting. I hoped this would get him going since he had selected the one he wanted. I helped (pretty much did it for him) him prewrite with a web. Still, nothing...."I don't know how to start it..." I gave him choices on ways the story could go. "Do you want them to be playing or the dog attacking him?" "I don't know," he replied. I said that's the fun with this assignment---you get to make up anything you want. He was so stressed and almost in tears. I offered to start the story for him, but he said, "...well, I Just won't know what to write then, either." Last year, his teacher told me he was in tears about this. I have never experienced anything like this. He's not dysgraphic because he has written before. I'm out of approaches, but am not willing to quit on him. So, here I am...begging for advice. I'll try anything to help him. He's a good kid and deserves it. Thanks in advance. Tena/PA
Ok, this is late, but I just found this site. Try "WriteFix" on the internet. It has some very good strategies and lessons available for your reluctant writers. I have begun using them in the middle and high school; they work for all levels. Good Luck!
I would like to start a never-ending story in one of my 2nd grade writing centers. I have the booklet put together but am not sure whether I should start the story or let one of my students start the story. Does anyone else do this and if you do how did you get it started?
I am in search of a source that will provide me with titles of children's books I can use when teaching blends & digraphs in k-3 grade classrooms. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!!
I am looking for a spelling program that will boost our school's spelling abilities. Our school is K-9. By the time they reach grade 6, their spelling while writing needs to be improved. Do you have suggestions? How much time in the curriculum is alloted for spelling throughout the lower grades? HELP!
What are the 5 steps including Schema and inferring for a coversation between a teacher and student? We need this for lesson we are working on! thanks!
help! We are doing a project and need to know what the 5 parts are that go along with schema and inference. We are working on a project and need the part to the conversation piece.
Hi, I am looking for good novels to read for literature circles/novel studies for 4th and 5th. My goal is to have two novels per grade level for mixed ability levels. I have to give a list to my prinicpal so he can order the books, so any suggestions please! If you have done a literature circle please give me a website or guidelines to facilitate this activity. I am a new teacher and have never actually implemented this type of activity myself.
I am in the US in Pennsylvania. I'm a reading specialist
with my Master's degree in reading. How can I help you?