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I teach elementary gifted and I'm in charge of our
building's independent readers program. For the past 4
years, I have used Follet's TitleWave website to level my
books. Recently, our new librarian introduced me to
lexiles. I have read the online information and sent for
the free materials (which have not arrived yet!)

Here is my dilema...

When going back and lexiling my classroom library, I have
noticed that with some titles, there is a discrepancy
between the follet level (given as grade level such as 4.5
or 5.0 or YA) and the lexile number.

In the past I've used the numbers as a guideline for
challenging reading. Students in 4th grade can read
anything but the 6th grade only material which deals with
more mature topics. Fifth graders cannot read books below a
5.5 level and sixth graders must read above a 6.5 level.

Now I see that some of the books that I have labeled as
challengi...See More

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