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I'm interested in other middle school teachers' daily
routines for a 90-minute block. I am doing reading
workshop based on students' own book choices, writer's
notebook/writing workshop based on the unit at hand
(personal narrative), and whole-class texts based on the
unit at hand. The unit thing is by fiat of the school -
I've never really taught such strict units before,
preferring straight-up workshop. I'm having a hard time
fitting everything in the period logically, and I'm having
problems making sense of published examples of daily

For example, look at Atwell's proposed routine. First of
all, Daily Poem takes longer than her proposed 5 minutes -
that's only enough to read it once and get 2-3 comments.
Then, the minilesson is immediately followed by independent
writing, whether or not the lesson has to do with writing.
Finally, there's no allowance for the possibility that the ...See More

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