Traveling Buddies
4 Members

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I'm organizing a Traveling Mascot for 08-09 and need 5 more California teachers throughout the state. I would prefer 4th grade classes since we study California history in 4th, but all our grades are welcome. I need 2 classes from the Mountain region, 2 from the Desert Region and 1 more from the Valley. The coastal region has already been covered.

Here's some of the details....

Your class would be responsible for writing daily in Alby the Bulldog's journal, collecting souvenirs, and providing as much information about your region as possible to help us better understand the wonderful state in which we live in.

In return, I'll make a PDF file of his journal which you can print out or display on the computer for the kids at the end of the project. Also, when he arrives at your school, he will have some goodies to share with the kids as well more information about our region. I'll also be using a website to keep track of his journey.

As the teacher, y...See More
Shellee HI! I am in the Valley region of CA. (Bakersfield to be exact), and I think the project you're describing sounds really cool! Do you still need someone from the Valley
Jul 14, 2008

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