If you are a K-12 teacher in the United States, you are invited to participate in a study titled “Teacher Perception of Technology Integration in the Workplace: A National Study.” If you teach in a teacher education program, please feel free to forward this invitation to any graduates that you think might be interested in participating in this study. If you already filled out the survey, thanks for your assistance and please dismiss this message.
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions of technology integration in the workplace as it relates to their self-confidence in computer use, their preparation in formal and informal technology courses in teacher education programs from which they have graduated, and administrative and technical support in their workplace.
Benefits: The findings could be used by teacher educators to revise technology courses and by K-12 school administrators to reconsider necessary support of technology integration for teachers’ practices. The benefits to you in participating in the study are receiving a copy of a summary of the study results.
Procedures to be Followed: You as a teacher are invited to participate in the study by completing a web-based survey. You will also be asked about your willingness to participate in a possible telephone interview. You do not have to agree to being interviewed in order to complete the survey.
If interviewed, you will be asked more detailed questions about your opinion on the type of experiences you had regarding technology integration during your teacher preparation program, whether you feel that you were adequately prepared, how you have used technology in your classroom, and your perception of the administrative and technical support that you have at your school.
Duration: The survey will take approximately 20 minutes of your time. The interview, if conducted, will take approximately 30 minutes.
Risks: There are no risks in participating in this study beyond those experienced in everyday life.
Compensation: There is no compensation for participating in this study.
Voluntary Participation/Alternative: Your participation in this project is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw at any time. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to answer. The alternative is not to participate.
Statement of Confidentiality: Your responses will be confidential to ensure that they cannot be linked to you personally. Any personal information you provide that is linked to your name will be held in strict confidence when the data are presented in a written report.
Right to Ask Questions: If you have any questions, now or later, you may contact us at the numbers below. If you have any questions about your rights as a human subject, please contact the University of South Dakota Institutional Review Board at 605-677-6184.
Please assist us in our research and complete the survey by going to [link removed].
Thank you for considering participation in our survey.
Tzu-Yi Hsu Co-Project Director Technology for Education & Training University of South Dakota Phone: 605-677-8889 Email: [email removed]
Susan Santo Co-Project Director Technology for Education & Training University of South Dakota Phone: 605-677-5489 Email: [email removed]
Hello. My name is Chandana Neureuther and I am a third grade teacher at Errick Road Elementary School in Niagara Wheatfield, New York. A collegue of mine showed me a project her class is embarking upon that integrates researching about your home state via the internet and writing to other classrooms across America to share the information on gingerbread men. I was given a website at [link removed]
Affected employees must be warned about unfair offsets
New law requires notice for employees not covered by Social Security
NEA has long argued the need for the Social Security Administration and employers to advise employees in jobs not covered by Social Security of the impact of offsets on their Social Security benefit entitlement. Now public employers in non-Social Security states and districts must alert new employees affected by Social Security offsets.
Section 419(c) of Public Law 108-203, the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 requires State and local government employers to disclose the effect of the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset Provision to employees hired on or after January 1, 2005 in jobs not covered by Social Security.
These employees also must sign a statement that they are aware of a possible reduction in their future Social Security benefit entitlement.
Employers do not have to create the notice. The Social Security Administration has produced form SSA-1945, Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security for new employees to sign. This form, along with instructions for its use, can be found at [link removed].
Learn more about how the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset Provision unfairly penalize public employees and read about the history of these offsets.
I am organizing an elementary valentine exchange. We don't have anyone signed up for Alaska!:( If you would be interested in joining us, please email me ASAP! Here are the details: One class from each state is signing up to participate. I am compiling all mailing addresses. Your class (or a combination of classes or grade levels) will create a valentine card to send to each state in the US. You in return, will receive a valentine card from each state, possible marking the states on a map as you receive the cards. So many skills and so much fun!!
Thanks to TCTA for this "update". How about a 100% turnout immediately to get a 100% Texas co-sponsoring on these bills.
The 109th U.S. Congress convened in Washington, D.C. last week. A bill (HB 147 by Rep. Buck McKeon) was filed to repeal the two offsets on Social Security benefits that affect most Texas school employees -- the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision. Repeal of these offsets would entitle government employees who do not pay into Social Security (as is the case with most Texas school employees) to unreduced spousal benefits and to the full amount of any Social Security benefit that the employee earned through his/her own previous participation in Social Security. The bill already has 122 co-sponsors, including 10 from Texas: Reps. Henry Bonilla, Michael Burgess, Lloyd Doggett, Chet Edwards, Gene Green, Ralph Hall, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Randy Neugebauer, Solomon Ortiz and Ron Paul. TCTA will continue to advocate for this legislation and encourage the Ways and Means subcommittee on Social Security to schedule a committee hearing for this and any similar bills. Similar legislation was filed in the 108th Congress but never moved out of the committee.
Apparently, we have a new man to perhaps give more attention to the problem than Shaw did. Start talking to him.
Am interested in attending a Job Fair for Rogers, Bentonville, Fayetteville school districts. Is there a Job Fair coming up this spring? Thank you for the info.
On 1/18/05, Bobo wrote: > Am interested in attending a Job Fair for Rogers, > Bentonville, Fayetteville school districts. Is there a Job > Fair coming up this spring? Thank you for the info.
You'll want to check on the ARkansas board. AK = Alaska OR, did you just click on the wrong one? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt although LOTS of people see AK and think Arkansas...LOL
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Congress in the Classroom® 2005
DEADLINE: March 15, 2005
Congress in the Classroom® is a national, award-winning education program now in its 13th year. Sponsored by The Dirksen Congressional Center, the workshop is dedicated to the exchange of ideas and information on teaching about Congress.
Congress in the Classroom® is designed for high school teachers who teach U.S. history, government, civics, political science, or social studies. Forty teachers from throughout the country will be selected in 2005 to take part in the program.
You will gain experience with The Center's educational Web site, CongressLink - [link removed].
Throughout the program you will work with national experts as well as colleagues from across the nation. This combination of firsthand knowledge and peer-to-peer interaction will give you new ideas, materials, and a professionally enriching experience.
In sum, the workshop consists of two types of sessions: those that focus on recent research and scholarship about Congress (and don't always have an immediate application in the classroom) and those geared to specific ways to teach students about Congress.
The 2005 program theme will be "Our New Congress -- the 109th." Confirmed session titles are:
* A View from Capitol Hill * The Importance of Teaching Democracy Appreciation * George W. Bush's Second Term: What's in Store for Congress? * Congress Has a Humorous Side * How Congress Members Decide (Hint: It Looks Like a Game of Billiards) * Teaching Congress Through Visuals * The Struggle to Reform Congress and Its Consequences * The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Using Document Analysis to Tell the Story * How to Get Your Point Across to Congress Members * The Dirksen Center Web Suite as a Resource for Teachers * Congressional Insight: A Computer Simulation of a Member's First Term in the House of Representatives, and more.
The workshop will take place from Monday, July 25 through July 28, 2005, at the Radisson Hotel in Peoria, Illinois. Teachers who are selected for the program will be responsible for (1) a non-refundable $135 registration fee (required to confirm acceptance after notice of selection) and (2) transportation to and from Peoria, Illinois. Many school districts will pay all or a portion of these costs.
The Center pays for three nights lodging at the headquarters hotel (providing a single room for each participant), workshop materials, local transportation, all but three meals, and presenter honoraria and expenses. The Center spends between $25,000 and $30,000 to host the program each year
Those teachers who are not selected for the program will have an opportunity to register for the Web-based Congress in the Classroom course.
The deadline for applications is March 15, 2005. Enrollment is competitive and limited to forty. Selection will be determined by The Center. Individuals will be notified of their acceptance status by April 1, 2005.
Take a look at The Dirksen Center Web site - [link removed].
If you are interested in registering for the Congress in the Classroom® 2005 workshop, you can complete an online registration form found at: [link removed].
I am a Trinity qualified ESOL teacher with over 5 years' worth of teaching experience in and around London.
Due to other commitments, I haven't been able to venture outside England (thats where I'm from by the way!). I would love any opportunity to work and live in Alaska and Canada.
I am a Trinity qualified ESOL teacher with over 5 years' worth of teaching experience in and around London.
Due to other commitments, I haven't been able to venture outside England (thats where I'm from by the way!). I would love any opportunity to work and live in Alaska and Canada.
On 1/18/05, Bobo wrote:
> Am interested in attending a Job Fair for Rogers,
> Bentonville, Fayetteville school districts. Is there a Job
> Fair coming up this spring? Thank you for the info.
You'll want to check on the ARkansas board. AK = Alaska
OR, did you just click on the wrong one? I'll g...See More