AK Teachers
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I was just wondering how your schools did as far as
this go? What are some of the things that your
schools/districts are doing to help you achieve this?
Mine made it, and we probably helped this by identifying
our struggling readers early and using interventions to
help them progress at a positive rate.
AK teacher /blockquote>

Mine did NOT and it was due to Native student absences and
Resource students not testing at grade level!!!!
How ridiculous is that? OF COURSE our LD kids aren't testing
at grade level they have learning disabilities!!!!!
And how in the heck are we going to make sure enough Native
kids (in our not very div...See More
Aug 25, 2003
Liz/AK /blockquote>

Yeah, I sort of suspected that this might be the case. I
imagine it is not like you can change the fact that many
parents just don't find battling their kid to get them to come
to school a priority in their lives.
It is too bad that the Feds. don't understand a lot of what
really goes on in schools, but ...See More
Aug 26, 2003
AK Teacher /blockquote>

one of the schools that aren't really urban (like Anchorage or
Fairbanks) but not bush either. Just a small town.
Aug 27, 2003
Liz/AK /blockquote>

Sounds like the towns I lived in before coming to Anchorage. I
know that back where I grew up, only three of the schools
made AYP, the school where all of the most skilled and
experienced teachers teach (highest income students also),
and the two charter schools. I haven't even asked about what
caused th...See More
Sep 1, 2003

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