AK Teachers
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What are the benefits of teaching in Alaska. I heard that
you can retire after only teaching for 8 years in Alaska.
Is that true? I would be very interested in teaching
biology to middle schoolers or high schoolers, and possibly
even college level. Your replies are greatly appreciated.
Have a good day.

Bobby Hughes
Alaskan librarian /blockquote>

On 1/17/06, Bobby Hughes wrote:
> What are the benefits of teaching in Alaska. I heard that
> you can retire after only teaching for 8 years in Alaska.
> Is that true? I would be very interested in teaching
> biology to middle schoolers or high schoolers, and possibly
> even college level....See More
Jan 18, 2006
Moving... /blockquote>

On 1/17/06, Bobby Hughes wrote:
> ................I heard that
> you can retire after only teaching for 8 years in Alaska.
> Is that true?

I think you mean "vested", and I do think that is true.

After 8 years you will be entitled to 16% of your last salary
(averaged amount over yo...See More
Jan 24, 2006
agree with AK librarian /blockquote>

The tier system has changed so that retirement options are not so generous. Also,
what she/he said. . . Urban jobs are harder to come by, Bush jobs can be pretty

You could end up as the only `outsider' in a village with a few hundred people in
it. Most of the villages now have some kind of indoo...See More
Feb 11, 2006
William Allan Kritsonis /blockquote>

Dear Colleagues:
Many teachers love teaching in Alaska. Alaska is an
enormous state. If one places the map of Alaska on a map of the
United States you will soon see that it practically takes up the
entire midwest. Alaska's islands almost stretch to Hawaii and
Florida. Teachers say the benefits of teachin...See More
Mar 3, 2006

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