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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Here are a few of the comments I"ve heard about it from the
job seekers' p.o.v.: it's a meat market, very humiliating,
admin are just there to get together with each other and
chat, only letting the high-demand contracts at this fair;

from the admin side: lots of people leaving the profession,
only two hundred candidates there for a thousand jobs,
probably won't be hiring there, just going to `establish

I'm off-road, $500 plane ticket and hotel costs. I don't
want to go to watch districts establish presence--I want to
leave with a contract for next year!

Also, what's the `dress code' look like? Is everyone in
black suits, red ties, and gold jewelry, and signing their
contracts with a Cross fountain pen? I have an old Lands
End canvas and leather briefcase from my undergraduate
days--do I need to rethink this?

Thanks for input . . .

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