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Before I start, jj please tell me you are not a teacher.

I have been following this strand for the last year since I
left "The Slope" and am sad to see how little has changed.
It makes one wonder if anyone in the central office is
really interested in educating children. I know the district
had a hard time filling teaching positions. In even the most
desirable locations positions were still open well after
school started. ABC teacher is right in that the kids are
for the most part great to work with. The paycheck, given
the cost of living was not so impressive. I'm sorry ABC
didn't have a better experience with their colleagues. That
was not my experience. The North Slope veteran teachers I
worked with were great people who were doing the best they
could given the absurd situation they had to deal with.
Overall, I had few complaints about the people I worked
directly with including my Principal, my colleagues ...See More

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