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Well nothing has changed, school year yet to start and the super. strikes. No school yet and he forces a principal to resign because he dared to get upset when his contract was changed. Super. changes the contract with out school board knowledge lowering the pay. Turns out this has been a favorite tactic of his with principals according to the state association of principals. Wonder how it will go over when word gets out he paid pro foot ball players 9,000 dollars plus travel, food and hotel.

There goes another 100,000 dollars for football. Oh yeah we hired several of his friends to manage different departments. Now you have to get past them to talk to the oh mighty super. It was deemed more important then hiring mentor teachers to help all of the first year teachers the North Slope is forced to hire. Oh, if anything happens the principals have to call Barrow quick so they can spin the information to make them look good and blame someone else.

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