AK Teachers
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One of the great things about Alaska is you don't need to complete your student teaching in the conventional sense to get a teacher's certificate. Alaska now has a 3-level teaching certification system that makes a lot of sense, at least in my opinion. If you have completed a bachelors, passed the Praxis I and are enrolled in a teaching program (think online) you can obtain a 3-year non renewable certificate. This qualifies you to teach in Alaska. You then have 3 years to finish the teacher prep program. The great thing about this method is you can work under contract, making money, while doing your student teaching at the same time. This route is a bit rougher but exposes teachers to situations and awarenesses that they'll never obtain under the staid guise of an instructor. I had a couple rough first years, but I feel I am a much more seasoned and effective instructor because these unfiltered experiences. There are many jobs available in Rural Alaska and the administrators are very w...See More
ABC teacher It's my turn, folks...this is my third year in AK, mostly teaching in the bush, NSBSD, Tanana and now in the Gateway School district in a small village where the kids do not respond to traditional teaching methods. Their SBA scores are so low, lowest in the state and this is the sixth year that they have not made AYP. I started this year with new p...See More
Dec 14, 2008
Sympathetic in Alaska I am not going to make light of your situation. I have been in Alaska for several years and I too am looking for a job again.

I left my last job because of personality issues with the incoming administrator. I knew there would be conflicts and gracefully bowed out.

However, I jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. I am ...See More
Jan 25, 2009

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