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I wonder if the superintendent (sounds like 'sloper' to me) is already being tailored for his prison garb? Now that there is the possibility of millions (yes that's right, millions) missing, the liklihood of the state sending in an accountant to analyze the books, and the board's decision not to renew his contract (WHAT TOOK SO LONG!), one has to wonder what other surprises are in store because of this man. It is truly beyond comprehension how the board, borough, and the state let this guy destroy our school district. The warning signs were there from the start based on his experience in WY. The teachers who have stayed should be given merit raises for what they have had to put up because of this man. It is difficult enough to teach in the 'bush'. But to have your supposed leader's ongoing behavior of teacher transfers and firings (both classified and certificated) shows the dedication of the people who have stayed. I for one will be cheering when this man leaves. I will also be saying...See More

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