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Hello Again,

What at the schools like? Are classroom materials relatively current? How current are the textbooks? How current are computers, software, and peripherals? Are there any interactive whiteboards?

I integrate technology into every facet of the subjects I teach. Do sites have Moodles set up?

Help me make an educated decision.


Curious in SE
Many Hats The schools are in better condition than most non-rural schools. They are clean, maintained for the most part (I had one drawer that didn't work), though maybe a bit on the small side for some classrooms. I can't help you with the textbook question, but hoping someone can come by and answer that. I do remember that the textbooks were somewhat behin...See More
Feb 22, 2009
alaska teacher Every student is supposed to have a computer, so many broken at any given time that impossible to use them in a class project. Some subjects have new text books, other subjects have old text books. Working on new science program, but everything moves very slow on the slope. Great at coming up with ideas, but horrible at developing them and making t...See More
Feb 23, 2009
Alaska teacher No Moodles that I am aware of, very limited smartboards. Kids may have computers, if not broken. Computers are seen as toys and something to play games on. Computers are apples, three years old.

On 2/21/09, Curios in SE wrote: > Hello Again, > > What at the schools like? Are classroom materials > relatively current? How curren...See More
Feb 23, 2009

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