AK Teachers
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My wife and I are currently teachers in WV and are thinking about possibly relocating to Alaska. I am a high school Social Studies teacher with National Board Certification and my wife has her Master's degree in Special Education areas of LD, BD, and MI. What would be our job prospects?
Alaska 4 Life You prospects are good.

Teaching in Alaska is an awesome experience, but there are pitfalls and dangers.

We have some school boards that run amuck and do whatever strikes their fancy. Basketball rules totally and absolutely. Many of the people that serve on the school boards in some of the smaller villages are uneducated and pro...See More
Mar 25, 2009
Alaska Teacher Special Ed opens all doors, social studies not much. They will take both of you because of the special ed.

On 3/25/09, WV Teacher wrote: > My wife and I are currently teachers in WV and are > thinking about possibly relocating to Alaska. I am a high > school Social Studies teacher with National Board > Certification and my wif...See More
Mar 25, 2009
Watcher Thank you for a good letter. As just one addition in case anyone reading hasn't found the atp site, where you can find good information about shipping to rural sites... Am a dedicated vegetarian and believe will be able to manage - even finding organically grown Alaska produce. The possibilities for shipping things like grains (a staple food for me...See More
Mar 26, 2009

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