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My knowledge is pretty limited; I interviewed for a job at Lake and Pen three years ago but chose another district. I am pretty positive that super has resigned, and if I remember right, they've had one or two more since then. I've never taught in a level 4 school; maybe this fall it will be level 5? This may translate into some onerous requirements for teachers, such as being forced to use a basal reading program; then again, with high turnover in the admin positions, there may not be an effective structure to implement programs. If you're in Anchorage on April 17 and 18, I'm sure they'll have a booth at the teacher fair. I'd ask how long the current super and principal have been there, what strategies/requirements are mandated due to failing AYP status, how many teachers are returning. I suspect that level 4 indicates high turnover as well as extremely limited parent involvement with the schools--not an unusual situation. Good luck

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