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The North Slope mismanagement is an example of why teaching is so unsatisfying. Yes, the board should fire the upper management. However, this board also hired the last super (who bailed in February, leaving his district behind) with the full knowledge that he had quit an elected school super position for the state of WY halfway through his term. I have done half a dozen years in the Bush now, had a great time, but calling it quits in part because of the shenanigans of boards and administrators who play games. And that's exactly what it is--a game.
Curious in SE Sorry to hear you are throwing in the towel, but I certainly understand. I think things are about to change though. Moore v. Alaska is going to force the State Department of Education to have more influence on how school boards make their decisions, or they will be taken over just like the Louisiana Department of Education is doing right now... re:...See More
Apr 20, 2009
TT I hear you. Teaching should be first and foremost about the kids, but tragically it isn't, and the kids are the ones who are suffering.

I for one may never return to the field. I had such a rotten experience at the school district which threw me out on trumped up charges so they could cheat me out of my retirement benefits, I have serious ...See More
Apr 20, 2009

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