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We are well on our way to a successful postcard exchange, but are missing one of the largest states in the USA. Please consider joining our 3rd grade exchange. Here are the guidelines. If you are interested I will need your name, school name, school address, and an email address. You may post a reply here or email me at [email removed].

• You must teach 3rd grade. This allows us to be able to compare and contrast information using common ground.

• You must commit to sending one postcard to each class participating in the exchange by December 1, 2010. This gives us plenty of time to collect and send postcards.

• You will receive an emailed list of participants and addresses no later than August 31, 2010.

• Information to be included on your card:

o Students favorite school lunch o State or city sports teams o Number of boys and girls o Famous people from your state or city o Anything unique to your school, class, state, or city
kelley Hello! I teach 3rd grade in South Bend, In. is there an opening still available? I would love to get my class involved in a postcard exchange. Please let me know if this is a possibility. Thanks so much

you can contact me at [email removed]

On 8/18/10, NCTeach wrote: > We are well on our way to a successful postcard exchange...See More
Aug 18, 2010
patty murray I am very interested. I teach a combined 3rd/4th grade class in a small private school. If there is still an opening please email me! Thank you!!
Aug 25, 2010
Maureen Isenegger Do you need someone for Michigan? I would love to join the group. You can email me at [email removed];
Aug 30, 2010
Pat Hello,

I teach Third Grade in Nashville. Is it possible to get involved in the post card exchange?

On 8/18/10, kelley wrote: > Hello! I teach 3rd grade in South Bend, In. is there an > opening still available? I would love to get my class > involved in a postcard exchange. Please let me know if this > is a possibility...See More
Sep 12, 2010

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