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I am looking for a district that has an academic preschool program. Currently I teach in a rural village and my daughter is on a long wait list for preschool. I am not okay with this, I want my children to be able to attend an academic preschool. I have done some research and have found that Bethel has an all day preschool, does that include all LKSD schools?. Barrow has a half day program, is that all NSBSD schools? Is anyone familiar with them? Do any other districts in AK have academic preschools?
RandyAk4 Anchorage SD has some sort of limited program but it seemed to be growing. Unfortunately it was under the SpEd program and was not open to everyone but only special needs. One was housed in my school for 2 years but things changed and they are no longer in my building.

On 12/03/10, AKmomma wrote: > I am looking for a district that has ...See More
Dec 11, 2010
Maria Hello, North Slope's preschools are excellent, including Barrow. Many of the larger school districts (urban schools, except Bethel) have special ed preschools, but most of these accept "typical peers." These are quality preschools with a certified teacher and 2 or 3 paraprofessionals, depending on the needs of children. I have seen a couple of June...See More
Apr 10, 2011

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