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Monster Quest Earth Science Continuum Monster Quest delves into the world of Earth Science. The television show morphs into a teaching project. This is a project that allows you to put to work your knowledge of Earth Science to track down and capture the dangerous Monster. You will have to become an Earth Science expert to complete this mission. How does this work you ask? Each participating class will have to create a monster based of truth, fact, myth, legend and knowledge of the Earth Science of the schools particular region. For example if your school is near a swamp you might use animals that live near or around a swamp, if your school is in a desert you would do likewise. Once you create your monster you develop a story that explains the characteristics of the monster complete with newspaper stories of sighting account from eye witnesses. You would develop a picture of what your monster looks like. Then you would send bits of information about your monster on a schedule to the ot...See More

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