AR Teachers
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I have a quick question.

With a Masters Degree from Arkansas Tech University in
Elementary Education (and a bachelor's in Middle Level
Lang. Arts/Social Studies)and two years experience
teaching in Russellville, do you think I would have a
snowball's chance of getting a job in Northwest Arkansas?

It's really where I want to teach, I love the area
(especially Bentonville-Rogers), but I'm also aware they
are apt to hire U of A students, and that everyone else
wants to teach up there as well. Their salaries are very
competitive, but as compared to the rest of the state, if
I can't find a job there, I may have to look out-of-state.

So do you think the fact that my Masters is from Arkansas
Tech would matter? I'm 21 now, I'll be 24 at the time.
I'm just thinking ahead. Thanks for any responses.

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