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For those whiners who want to be politically correct
and "goody goody"

State SAT scores for 2007
[link removed]

Colorado #18
California #36

Not even close.
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Math Teacher /blockquote>

Just more excuses.

On 6/10/08, Ali wrote:
> ESL's not the only problem. Poverty and lack of parental
> education as well as the way schools are funded add extensively
> to the difficulties American educators face.
> If you want to read up on our national education system, you ...See More
Jun 10, 2008
Ali /blockquote>

Actually, they're called -- say it with me -- books.

They're neat things with pretty words and sentences in them. They
have information that is pertinent to this debate. Of course, you
wouldn't want to look at anything that might cause you to question
you're religiously-held beliefs about your pre-eminenc...See More
Jun 10, 2008
Math Teacher /blockquote>

If you say so.

You lost credibility when you decided that one of the supports for
your argument was that you were "gorgeuos, but taken."

Of course, you wouldn't want to look at anything that might cause you
to question you're religiously-held beliefs about your pre-eminence,
would you?

...See More
Jun 11, 2008
teacher /blockquote>

Is there a way to compare SAT scores of minority students and students
from lower socioeconomic backgrouds. My bet would be that these
students from California would score higher on SATs than similar
students from California.

On 6/11/08, Math Teacher wrote:
> If you say so.
> You ...See More
Jun 11, 2008
Ann J /blockquote>

Is is interesting that you need to post this on a Colorado Teachers forum -
huh? Unless you live here, you would not know one way or the other the
makeup of any given community, school, or classroom. We post here to talk
about a lot of things and not worry about what goes on in someone's
particular situation...See More
Jun 19, 2008

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