CT Teachers
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    I am going to take this any hints suggestions. Any essay

    My son just graduated from the University of SC, 3.8 GPA
    elementary ed degree. All criteria for CT has been met, he
    has been on just a few interviews and is getting
    discouraged, what can he do to improve his chances for
    hiring. He just moved to NY but only applied for CT
    teaching positions, He was inform...See More
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    Tanya My job never came up on REAP - I went to the school district websites and filled out applications. Westport called me based on that as well as Norwalk and Fairfield. I do have a Masters and had experience. However, a good male teacher has a huge advantage! Good luck On 6/19/08, Nancy Carol wrote: > Tanya: Thanks for your response. We are trying ...See More
    Jul 8, 2008
    Nancy Carol Thank you for your response. The iinformation I have learned from this chatroom has been wonderful. I appreciate your time.

    On 7/08/08, Tanya wrote: > My job never came up on REAP - I went to the school district > websites and filled out applications. > Westport called me based on that as well as Norwalk and Fairfield. > I do h...See More
    Jul 8, 2008

    Does anyone know what the starting salary is for an
    elementary school teacher in the acheivement first charter
    schools in New Haven?

    A 4th year postcard exchange is not complete because we
    need a teacher representative from Connecticut. Please
    contact me if you would like to exchange postcards with
    teachers across the USA!! It is lots of fun and can be
    tied in with any subject area. Let me know soon :)
    Jamie Barrett /blockquote>

    I am a 4th grade teacher and would love to be part of your program!
    Jun 21, 2008
    Melody /blockquote>

    Great Jamie! We would love to have you. Send me your email
    and school information to my email below. Thanks and Welcome!

    [email removed]
    Jun 21, 2008


    PA 08-107—sHB 5871

    Education Committee


    SUMMARY: As of July 1, 2009, this act eliminates the
    requirement that newly certified public school teachers
    participate in the beginning educator s...See More
    newlypassed What it's not saying is what program will replace BEST. Certainly there will be some assessment program with a new name. There is no way CT is just dropping new teacher evaluation altogether.

    But if they do, boy I am going to be po'd! I just passed that monster. :-)

    On 6/24/08, KV wrote: > FROM THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPT O...See More
    Jul 31, 2008

    Hello all! I'm looking for an elementary class that is
    interested in a postcard exchange project. If you, or
    someone you know, is interested please let me know. I'm
    missing a participant for your state.

    For this exchange, we will all send a postcard to the other
    49 state participants during the sch...See More
    Barbara /blockquote>

    Thank you! I now have a participant for your state! I hope
    everyone enjoys there summer and has a successful 2008-2009
    school year!

    On 6/24/08, Barbara wrote:
    > Hello all! I'm looking for an elementary class that is
    > interested in a postcard exchange project. If you, or
    > someone you k...See More
    Jun 25, 2008

    If you are concerned about student depression and its
    impact on the classroom, you may be interested in this:

    Pursuit-of-Happiness.org, a non-profit organization
    devoted to education on the scientific study of human
    happiness and positive psychology, is convening a
    roundtable at Yale University on ...See More
    Nancy Carol What about teacher depression, have you noticed how many people are on this site looking for a teaching position?

    On 6/25/08, Mark wrote: > If you are concerned about student depression and its > impact on the classroom, you may be interested in this: > > Pursuit-of-Happiness.org, a non-profit organization > devoted to educa...See More
    Jul 7, 2008
    ctteacher Of course people on this site are looking for jobs/job advice. It's a great resource for that. This board, however, is in my opinion, hardly representative of education job seekers or all teachers.

    On 7/07/08, Nancy Carol wrote: > > What about teacher depression, have you noticed how many > people are on this site looking for a ...See More
    Jul 31, 2008
    For all those interested: The Chronicle newspaper is advertising a grade 6 classroom teacher position at Scotland Elementary School in Scotland; don't know if it's on ctreap or not. Scotland is in eastern CT next to Windham, Hampton, Canterbury and Chaplin.
    Jenn FYI ~ the phone # for the school is 860-423-0064.

    On 6/28/08, Jenn wrote: > For all those interested: The Chronicle newspaper is > advertising a grade 6 classroom teacher position at > Scotland Elementary School in Scotland; don't know if it's > on ctreap or not. Scotland is in eastern CT next to > Windham, Hampton, Canterbu...See More
    Jun 28, 2008
    I am looking for an elementary job K-6. I have sent applications to over 60 districts. I havel also sent individual letters to each school in districts where I have seen multiple postings.

    Does anyone have an other suggestions for securing a teaching job?

    I am considering other career options if nothing happens this summer.
    view previous comments
    in my experience I have been in a district for a couple of years and have seen jobs being handed out. I would say 80% of new hires have a connection to the district. They may have interned or grown up in the town. These people definitely have an advantage.

    The better the district the harder it is to get a job. Being certified in special education will hel...See More
    Jul 28, 2008
    Jen I have tried those suggestions but I don't even get called in Urban districts. I have also tried being a building substitute in my hometown and that didn't work. I wouldn't mind going back for a reading specialist degree but I am still paying off college loads.

    Although you aren't trying to discourage anyone, many candidates are only certi...See More
    Aug 2, 2008
    Dear Fellow Educator,

    I'm looking to add Connecticut to a postcard exchange that I started. Any grade is welcome! I am collecting one per state so it is a first come first serve.

    Once I have a representative from each state I will be sending info out or August which ever happens first!

    Thank you for your consideration!...See More

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