CT Teachers
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I am moving to CT this summer and have applied to a couple
of districts already. I was amazed when I was called
already by a district requesting an interview.

I thought most districts would do hiring in August (when I
would be in CT)...?

Are CT schools required to interview a certian number of
applicants even if they already know they will be hiring
an "insider"? That is how it is in CA, so being called for
an interview does not mean a liklihood of being hired.

Is it worth flying out for an interview?
Jenn /blockquote>

Every town/district operates differently, so it's hard to
say. Schools are required to post internally first for a
certain number of days before the ad is posted in the paper;
my guess is if they are calling you for an interview either
no one in the school has applied or they are treating
everyone on the...See More
Apr 20, 2008

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