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Does anyone know the future of the BEST program? I am
going to get my CT teaching cert this year and have heard
that the BEST program may be re-designed or eliminated. I
heard that video taping of class room instruction has been
eliminated from the program. From talking to several
teachers who have gone through the BEST program, none have
had anything positive to say about it!
Greg /blockquote>

The BEST process has positives and negatives. I didn't meet
the requirement last year and had to do it over this year.
On the plus side, you end up planning some great lessons
that you are sure to use over again in the future. It also
makes you think about why you are teaching what you are
teaching. As a...See More
May 30, 2008
David B. /blockquote>


Thanks for your input. I have heard numerous similar
comments where no matter how good a teacher you are, the
reviewers feel it is their mission to "improve you", making it
very taxing, and therefore your current classes (for which you
are being paid) suffer. Most teachers who I have spoken to...See More
May 31, 2008
Greg /blockquote>


I am a career changer. I spent 17 years in Sales and decided to
use my impeccable Math skills and 20 years as a Youth Minister
and combine them into something that would give me a sense of
accomplishment. I have been teaching for 5 years (under a DSAP
for the better part of 3) and I have love...See More
Jun 2, 2008
Milie On 6/02/08, Greg wrote: > David, > > I am a career changer. I spent 17 years in Sales and decided to > use my impeccable Math skills and 20 years as a Youth Minister > and combine them into something that would give me a sense of > accomplishment. I have been teaching for 5 years (under a DSAP > for the better part of 3) and I ...See More
Dec 3, 2008

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