DC Teachers
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    I am interested in volunteering at a Saturday School. Does anyone know a contact person?
    lease email me directly if you'd like to participate.

    I will mail YOU FREE ADDRESS LABELS of our exchange list!

    Email your name, grade, school name and school address to:

    [email removed]
    We had several Washington Redskins tickets donated to our International Club and I was wondering the best way to sell them to help raise enough money to help pay for our kids to go to Europe next year. I know the whole StubHub and EBay route, but I was wondering if anyone had another idea. Also, if you know of anyone that would want 4 tickets to a ...See More
    Everyone, if you are an educator who can clearly identify the issues we face in education, ready to stand up, be counted, and actively speak out and raise our voice for the changes we all KNOW must be made - there is a movement making its way across the country to NY this November you should know about ([link removed]).

    The One Voice Inst...See More
    seeking to get knowledge of ethel johnson who taught at seaton elementary school in wash dc during the 1971 1975 years. thanks
    Everyone might like to think about attending the stimulating conference and film festival at the University of the District of Columbia September 26-27: Kidding Around: The Child in Film and Media, with panels, leading academics, great films for students, teachers and families and especially a TEACHING MEDIA LITERACY WORKSHOP FOR EDUCATORS: 4:30-6:...See More
    SEND US YOUR HALLOWEEN COSTUME PICTURES! Througout the month of October I will be sharing pictures of people and kids dressed up on TV!

    Send your picture (It can be from last year too) along with your name and where your from to Angie Goff at: [email removed]

    Visit her daily blog for more details. Teachers send us your photos too!...See More
    rofessional Clasical Singer is currently recruiting voice students. Alexandra teaches all ages, and levels. She creates a nurturing environment so that you may explore and find your voice. She teaches in vienna, Va, and in Georgetown.

    Please contact her at (703)867-9524
    Im an AA female HS English Teacher in Houston, planning on teaching in DCPS next fall. Everyone ive talked to so far says "DONT DO IT!!", but im determined to at least try. Not coming with any high hopes & ive read about the horrors. I would love to chat with any new HS DC teachers to get a more well rounded idea of what to expect. Ill also be ...See More
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    not a teacher Hi, thanks for your comments. As a matter of fact in our schools students who should not pass still pass, but with very bad grades, so the majority of the kids makes an effort to avoid the shame of passing this way. (Our grades are public. I guess shame is an important part of the education process:)))

    And just out of curiosity, what are t...See More
    Dec 30, 2008
    american schools Students here can receive all A's even though they are very, very bad students who have no proficiency or ability in the subject. What is particularly strange in America is that it is the worst students and worst schools that usually have the most grade inflation. What I am saying is that the most grade inflation is found in urban schools that have...See More
    Dec 30, 2008

    Library Contest Invites Young Readers to Write to an Author Who Inspired Them

    (Washington DC) - December 6, 2008, is the entry deadline for Letters About Literature (LAL), a national writing contest that celebrates the relationship between young readers and authors. Sponsored by the Center for the Book in...See More

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