DC Teachers
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Don't let testing suck the life out of you and fine teaching!
Join our 50 States ePostcard Exhange. We need 2
participating classes from Washington, DC; open to k-8.

Our special 50 States Postcard Project needs a participating
class from DC ( my Petworth-MacFarland JH - TRoosevelt HS-
hometown! Actually we are a group that emails postcards
(ecards). This project is open to K-8. Find your favorite
ecard sight online....or.... Create your own ecard. This is
a classroom to classroom adventure, so the postcard needs to
relate to something about Washington, DC that delights or
informs others.

Test this on yourself:
Find an online image of something about your state.
Go to File and select: send image.
An email page will pop up.
Type in the send to information, subject line, and a message
that contains information about your state, things students
like to do in your state, favorite state foods, etc.. and...See More
Zanada /blockquote>

On 8/19/03, Zanada wrote:
> Don't let testing suck the life out of you and fine teaching!
> Join our 50 States ePostcard Exhange. We need 2
> participating classes from Washington, DC; open to k-8.
> Our special 50 States Postcard Project needs a participating
> class from DC ( my Pet...See More
Aug 19, 2003

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