DC Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hello French Teachers
I have a small company that sells and writes reproducible
ativities for French Teachers. Does anyone have any
suggestion for activities that would be needed by French
Teachers in the US. Currently most of my clients are across
Canada. I would be interested in any ideas on the kinds of
activities and the level of French US French teachers are
looking for. Thanks for your help.
Please e-mail me directly.
Merci beaucoup
Deborah Hansen
Ladybug Publishing
[link removed]
Muriel Reboul /blockquote>

Hello Deborah,

My name is Muriel Reboul, I am French and work as a French
Linguistic Attachée in Australia.
Actually, I am going to work in this country until the end of
2003. After that, I am looking for a job in America, more
specifically in Washington DC in order to live with my
partner who ...See More
Dec 15, 2002
Dr. Toka Diagana /blockquote>

On 5/11/02, Deborah wrote:
> Hello French Teachers
> I have a small company that sells and writes reproducible
> ativities for French Teachers. Does anyone have any
> suggestion for activities that would be needed by French
> Teachers in the US. Currently most of my clients are across
&...See More
Dec 16, 2002

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