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Hi. I'm considering taking a 4-week TESOL course in Costa
Rica offered by the School for International Training. I
live in Washington and wanted to come back after I got the
certificate to work for a while. Are there any job
opportunities for a teacher with only a 4-week
certificate? I have a graduate degree but not in education
and have been working as a medical writer for about 5
years. Was also considering a CELTA course but I thought
the TESOL certificate would serve me better in the U.S.
I'd appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
Dragana /blockquote>


I went through tons and tons of TESOL info, and I believe
that TESOL certificate would not do you much good. It depends
where you would like to work. For instance public system
requires State Teaching License or ESL Endorsement and
private schools are not so rigid.

Please let me know if...See More
Sep 15, 2003

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