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Come learn about the canal era and the Illinois & Michigan
Canal, the final link in America’s great water highway
system of the 19th century. A free five-day workshop, “The
Last Great American Canal: How the Illinois & Michigan
Canal United 19th Century America,” is a chance for K-12
teachers to conduct in-depth study of the canal era and
its impact on immigration, transportation and western

Workshop highlights include
• Presentations by noted canal historians, scholars and
• Site visits and hands-on activities,
• A wealth of primary sources,
• Development of a unit-based curriculum project,
• $500 stipend to cover meals and lodging,
• CPDUs and graduate credit available.

The workshops will be held at Lewis University,
Romeoville, Illinois – just minutes from the I&M Canal and
25 miles from downtown Chicago. Choose from one of three...See More

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