DC Teachers
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I currently live and teach in Chicago and will be moving to
the D.C. area in the Fall. Where can I find information on
teaching in the D.C. schools and neighboring areas? I am
really looking to find out certification information as
well as career searching. Your help is grately appreciated.

Thank you,
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Sarah /blockquote>

On 5/09/04, Amanda Pauss wrote:
> I currently live and teach in Chicago and will be moving to
> the D.C. area in the Fall. Where can I find information on
> teaching in the D.C. schools and neighboring areas? I am
> really looking to find out certification information as
> well as career s...See More
Dec 23, 2004
cross-referenced /blockquote>

On 6/08/04, Amanda wrote:
> Thank you so much for the update and response. I have been
> looking online, but have not found any websites with the
> information that I am looking for. Can you suggest any good
> websites with teaching certification and application
> information? Thanks again...See More
Dec 23, 2004
t /blockquote>

I worked in a DC public school for a few years. However, I was paid
by the PTA (one of those "rich" schools...the parents busted their
butts to make sure their kids had an excellent education, and
believe me, they weren't all rich). I worked with new teachers who
didn't get paid for multiple pay periods, psycho ...See More
Jan 7, 2005
Cassandra S. /blockquote>

Teaching in the District of Columbia was a great experience. I am a
product of urban education and I salute the teachers who educate
effectively in this environment. The job of an urban teacher is
very stressful especially when the system doesn't support you. The
DCPS teacher needs support, training, and con...See More
Jan 12, 2005
TEACH /blockquote>

On 12/23/04, Sarah wrote:
> On 5/09/04, Amanda Pauss wrote:
>> I currently live and teach in Chicago and will be moving to
>> the D.C. area in the Fall. Where can I find information on
>> teaching in the D.C. schools and neighboring areas? I am
>> really looking...See More
Jun 3, 2005

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