DC Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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The U.S Census Bureau is searching for teachers who meet
the criteria below to participate in the Teacher Follow Up
Survey (TFS) -- a nationally representative sample survey
that looks at teacher movement within the labor force. K-
12 Teachers residing in MD, DC, WVA, or PA will be paid
approximately $50.00 for about an hour of their time.
Respondents visit will need access to a computer with
internet (dial-up or high-speed), or they can visit the
U.S. Census Bureau, Suitland, MD for the interview.


Teaching Type - Current (Stayer or Mover)
School Type - Public
Criteria: Has retired & returned to teaching within past 2

Teaching Type - Mover
School Type - Private or Public
Criteria: Has continued to teach but at different school
within past 2 years

Teaching Type - Leaver
School Type - Public or Private
Criteria: Has retired from teaching within past 2 ...See More

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