DC Teachers
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I'm interviewing for the DC Teaching Fellows program and am
interested in hearing a story from anyone who teaches high
school in DC about how it has been. I desire to help those
who need help and to guide students in the right
direction. Ultimately, I would like to work in
administration and effect change from a broader
perspective. Thoughts??
gladnottoteachinDC /blockquote>

Good luck with your interview with this very disorganized
and unethical program. I fortunately got out of it last
year for a variety of reasons the least of which was what
appeared to be academic dishonesty encouraged by one of the
partner universities.

If you are unlucky enough to get chosen be pre...See More
Feb 9, 2005
Burned in DC /blockquote>

I am a graduate of Yale and Princeton. I was turned down by
the DC Teaching fellows. I am not a student at Harward's
school of education, getting my masters, teaching at a nearby
school and loving it. Getting rejected by DC was one of the
best things that ever happened to me.

I was insulted in my in...See More
May 5, 2005
MaryAnne /blockquote>

I am also a reject of the DC Teaching Fellows Program. I
graduated from UVA with a BS and MS in Physics and was told that
they didn't need any more science teachers! HA HA HA!

That is really quite sad.

Anyway, I now teach in Arlington and am very happy.

The interview people were very rude...See More
May 31, 2005
I'm Not Finishing My App /blockquote>

I was in the process of filling out the application for DC
Teaching Fellows program and managed to find my way into here
while looking for more info. After talking to a few former
fellows and reading all of the negative comments about the program
here, I have decided not to finish the app. Even if half of what...See More
Mar 19, 2006
me 2 /blockquote>

I came to the sad realization that I could not, in the face of such
overwhelming odds, change either the DC public school system or the
lives of any children in the DC public school system. You cannot be
an effective teacher with administrative, parental, and societal

I do teacher inner-city ki...See More
Mar 23, 2006

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