DC Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I need help in finding out the requirements of obtaining
certification for teaching in DC. also i need help in
finding a job teaching! any suggestions, or comments?

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That makes sense! /blockquote>

On 9/23/05, Ellen wrote:
> I never worked in DC schools,

So why are you criticizing people who work for DC schools? Who are you to criticize
them for their having been beaten down by the DC public school system? Get off of
your high horse!

You are why good people leave. Your language is sne...See More
Sep 24, 2005
Anon. /blockquote>

You people need to get a life and vent somewhere else. All the poor girl was trying to
do was answer the O.P's questions and to have you negative vampires chime in....well,
it was extremely rude of you to say the least. I feel sorry for the children that you
all teach.

On 9/24/05, That makes sense! wro...See More
Nov 19, 2006
Mr. Chandler /blockquote>

I agree. I am in the highly competitive area of elem. ed and if that
shill could get me a job---even in D.C.---then I say welcome to the
board as far as I am concerned.

On 8/29/05, Ellen wrote:
> I've never taught in DC - I teach in Los Angeles...teaching is what
> you make of it....
> <...See More
Dec 2, 2006
HA /blockquote>

Teaching is not what YOU make of it in DC. Teaching in DC is very
difficult because the long term bureacrats do not care about you or the
students. You would feel better putting yourself through a meat grinder.
Don't listen to the paid shills for DC public schools.

Another Burnout... now teaching HAPPILY i...See More
Dec 30, 2006
Mr. Chandler /blockquote>

I know. I just WANT A JOB. I'm tired of being unemployed.

On 12/30/06, HA wrote:
> Teaching is not what YOU make of it in DC. Teaching in DC is very
> difficult because the long term bureacrats do not care about you or the
> students. You would feel better putting yourself through a meat
gri...See More
Dec 31, 2006

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