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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I am Irene Vicente Rodrigo.
I am from Madrid, Spain. I am a second year student of
Translation and Interpreting Degree in English, Spanish,
French and Japanese.
I am currently teaching Spanish, English and French o some
Spaniards while studying at University. I am going to spend
the month of July in Laurel, MD with and American friend
and I was hoping I could get a job. I would be pleased to
offer my services to either teaching or translating. Or any
other job related to language skills.
If the information provided is not evidence enough to prove
my oustanding interest in languages I would say some of the
poems I wrote in my free time have been published and that
I currently correct spanish texts too. If considered as a
candidate, I can be contacted to
[email removed]

Thank you,

Irene Vicente

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Language Arts

Foreign Language