DC Teachers
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Just wondering what everyone thinks?
Stephanie /blockquote>

On 9/01/07, Karla wrote:
> Just wondering what everyone thinks?

I think that Chancellor Rhee is doing a swimmingly job. She
just needs to have some time to prove her mettle. I am please
that she has enrolled her daughter into a District of Columbia
Public School. She seems to care about all of the s...See More
Sep 4, 2007
Kylie /blockquote>

On 9/01/07, Karla wrote:
> Just wondering what everyone thinks?

Rhee is revolutionizing DC Public Schools by implementing
common sense measures. She is phenomenal. I hope she stays
her full term.

Now if we can get someone brilliant for DC Public Libraries
our kids will have a great lear...See More
Sep 6, 2007
Karla /blockquote>

I wish her and the students and teachers of DC the very best!

On 9/06/07, Kylie wrote:
> On 9/01/07, Karla wrote:
>> Just wondering what everyone thinks?
> Rhee is revolutionizing DC Public Schools by implementing
> common sense measures. She is phenomenal. I hope she stays ...See More
Sep 9, 2007

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