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Im an AA female HS English Teacher in Houston, planning on teaching in DCPS next fall. Everyone ive talked to so far says "DONT DO IT!!", but im determined to at least try. Not coming with any high hopes & ive read about the horrors. I would love to chat with any new HS DC teachers to get a more well rounded idea of what to expect. Ill also be in DC from Oct 24-27th if anyone would like to have lunch & give me run down on DCPS. hope to hear from you all. R-
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lastest on Chancellor Rhee On 10/14/08, Raquel wrote: > Im an AA female HS English Teacher in Houston, planning on > teaching in DCPS next fall. Everyone ive talked to so far > says "DONT DO IT!!", but im determined to at least try. > Not coming with any high hopes & ive read about the > horrors. I would love to chat with any new HS DC teachers > to get...See More
Oct 30, 2008
A'm not a teacher. Yet.? Hi, so can you tell me more about being a teacher in DC. I'm not a teacher, and I've never spoken to a teacher in this country. It seems you already answered my question, which was should I become one, but still..

I'm a foreigner, I (almost) have a PhD, so I should be qualified teaching math or science. I saw some "fast track" teaching cer...See More
Dec 22, 2008
american schools I'm not sure that being from another country even eastern europe would prepare somebody for the brutality of D.C. schools. The population you will teach there is majority black and poor. There is an overwhelming attitude of disrespect for the teacher and even violence.

Correct me if I am wrong, but my impression of most european education...See More
Dec 23, 2008
not a teacher Hi, thanks for your comments. As a matter of fact in our schools students who should not pass still pass, but with very bad grades, so the majority of the kids makes an effort to avoid the shame of passing this way. (Our grades are public. I guess shame is an important part of the education process:)))

And just out of curiosity, what are t...See More
Dec 30, 2008
american schools Students here can receive all A's even though they are very, very bad students who have no proficiency or ability in the subject. What is particularly strange in America is that it is the worst students and worst schools that usually have the most grade inflation. What I am saying is that the most grade inflation is found in urban schools that have...See More
Dec 30, 2008

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