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There is an organization that is offering self-Defense courses specifically for teachers its called Much Safer, check out the link and tell me what you think [link removed]
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duval I actually took part in one of the courses and it was great!
Jan 16, 2009
this sounds great This is interesting.
Jan 16, 2009
y r duval and sounds great trying to look like 2 people when it is the same person? Probably also the same person as the OP
Jan 16, 2009
Muchsafer is a total scam artist What a funny coincidence..."duval" is located in Bowie, MD. "sounds great" is located in Bowie, MD. The website design company, "Destiny Design and Marketing," is located in Bowie, MD. Gee, I wonder where "Muchsafer" is located?

Your website has no credentials to back it up. You don't say who you are or what makes you qualified to teach s...See More
Jan 16, 2009
Here's a quesiton.... Do you all offer bullet proof vests at reduced prices? I wouldn't teach in drug infested DC schools for anything! PG County is bad enough for me.

On 1/15/09, MuchSafer wrote: > There is an organization that is offering self-Defense > courses specifically for teachers its called Much Safer, > check out the link and tell me what you...See More
Feb 18, 2009

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