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so hel# bent on inserting such a ginormous amount of PORK into this stimulus package?!?!? She and Reid need to get a clue as to what our country needs. TRIM THE FAT and make it work. We don't need millions of $'s going to such BS programs!! We are going to go belly up just like Japan! Is that what we want?!?! I'm am so tired of the the Dems. taking MY money and spreading MY wealth to those who sit on their ass#s and do nothing all day! Why does our liberal govt. feel that we need to continue to entitle this trash of our society?!? GET A JOB.......NOW!!!!!! I understand there are a very SMALL percentage of those on welfare and who collect food stamps that truly need it. The VAST majority acctually COULD work, but don't because they get free money. Would YOU work if you could smoke cigs and drink Budweiser on a daily basis? The worst part is, they continue to produce offspring. This just leads to a vicious cycle. I say women should only be allowed to have one child until they are off wel...See More

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