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HELP: Classroom management: PROBLEMS; Almost 50 white male teaching in poverty area where I am being "run over" with children who have major problems without parents, living arrangements, violence and poverty.

When I try to teach the kids yell, fight, and scream profanity. Too many problems to handle? When another teacher or "principal" comes in they immediately act good. I walked in two months ago and need major help to survive 3 months.

I would appreciate your comments. Thank you for your time and consideration! p
sorry you're having a hard time On 3/07/09, ps100 wrote: > HELP: Classroom management: PROBLEMS; > Almost 50 white male teaching in poverty area where I am > being "run over" with children who have major problems > without parents, living arrangements, violence and poverty. > > When I try to teach the kids yell, fight, and scream > profanity. Too many problem...See More
Mar 11, 2009

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