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To all the teachers in the DC area:

My name is Jack Freiberger, "Mr. Fry". I am a fully credentialed teacher and an actor in Los Angeles. I have a very popular one-man show called They Call Me Mister Fry (misterfry.com) that has been selected to be presented in the 2009 Washington Capital Fringe Festival (July 9-26th)([link removed])

It's a show about the trials, tribulations and triumphs of our teaching profession. It focuses on my first year teaching 5th grade in South Los Angeles. It's a true story and I've been told it has all the humor, drama and emotion that make it a classic. It focuses on my relationship with 2 challenging students and how we affected each other's lives and it chronicles my journey through bowels of the Los Angeles Unified School District. It's been playing for almost 2 years in LA and is on tour to Washington DC, Boulder, Indianapolis and back to LA.

I hope you can come out and support this show and our profession. I just tell my ...See More

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