DC Teachers
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I recently moved to the DC area, and have previously been a substitute teacher in South Florida. I am interested in subbing here this school year, but I am having trouble finding any information (besides the same ad that DCPS is hiring subs, send your resume, etc, on every job website). I'm hoping maybe someone here can provide a little more information or point me to someplace I can find it (if such a place exists). Im wondering what the pay rate is, are there different pay rates based on education level/which school you teach at; how the process works for obtaining assignments (is it a central system that offers/assigns you jobs anywhere in the district or is it a school by school thing); can I pick a level that I prefer to teach (which would be HS); what's the certification/licensure process?

A simple search for substitute teaching in Montgomery County MD turned up a page with all of this info. Im finding it hard to believe that such a resource doesn't exist for DC, but as...See More
Jamie Frank,

My wife is starting a long-term substitute position in DCPS, and she was told that her principal would meet with the Comptroller and design a compensation package for her. I'm not sure if this means that her rate will take into account her specific qualifications or if this is different from the "usual" substitute process since it's...See More
Aug 24, 2009

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