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I have a degree in the field + extras. I am very curious to know what the typical pay rate for a preschool teacher or assistant teacher is in this area. I had seen on job listings an average of about $9/hour. However, I have heard from others that that is incredibly low. I am currently employed and love my job (everything that is except for the low pay) and was thinking about becoming a teacher. I originally wanted to do this before I started research and found all of the $9/hour jobs. No way I could do that. So, I never bothered to interview for these jobs as I was sure they would fruitless. Now I'm starting to hear others say that $9/hour is unheard of especially for someone with my degree. Is that true? What do you all get paid? Also a little side note, I live in Montgomery Co. but would commute to D.C. if the pay was right.

Thank you!

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