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I've made it to the interview stage of the DCTF and will be interviewing for Early Childhood Education this weekend. I'd love to hear from any current teachers on ECE in DCPS in general and anyone who was a DCTF and has had a positive experience. Any tips for the interview day would be great too. Thanks
No Worries It's easy to get a job with them, but do you have the grit to stick with them after a few months?

On 3/08/10, LB wrote: > I've made it to the interview stage of the DCTF and will be > interviewing for Early Childhood Education this weekend. I'd > love to hear from any current teachers on ECE in DCPS in > general and anyone who...See More
Mar 20, 2010
Solution? How can we slow down or halt the high number of teachers departing the DCPS after staying for a year or even less?

On 3/20/10, No Worries wrote: > It's easy to get a job with them, but do you have the grit to > stick with them after a few months? > > > > On 3/08/10, LB wrote: >> I've made it to the interview stage o...See More
Mar 24, 2010
Real Teacher So you fail in the business world and think that you can teach. Then, after getting your close-to-free Masters you'll quit, or you'll be fired due to test scores which are not your fault, thanks to the sh*t contract that young punks voted for. Don't bother.

On 3/24/10, Solution? wrote: > How can we slow down or halt the high number of t...See More
Jul 23, 2010
I know the solution. It wasn't my idea but it turns out the solution is very simple. You hire desperate teachers from third world countries like the Philippines. Their visa status makes them into virtual indentured servants. If they quit, they are immediately deported. So they don't quit because they are desperate for both the higher pay, which they send home to their ...See More
May 3, 2011

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