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Hello Everyone, I recently withdrew from the DCTF program. Initially, everything was challenging, but very exciting. However, once the training institute began, there was nothing but lengthy assignment after assignment after assignment, all totally unreasonable and unnecessary. This combined with practice teaching in an unnecessarily strict cooperating teacher's summer school class, and attempting to secure actual teacher positions with DCPS principals; not to mention, if anything was erroneous with your assignments, you'd have yet another strict deadline on correcting it, all while trying to stay afloat with all the current heavy demands. All the planning, expenses, and assignments quickly became absolutely RIDICULOUS, esp. while attempting to live everyday life (and who doesn't have to do that). I may not be the best expert, but I'm also no fool-it does not take all of that nonsense to hire/place capable,willing,intelligent individuals in DCPS as new teachers. Fortunately for me, I h...See More
Maria Bartor On 7/08/11, Anonymous wrote: > Hello Everyone, > I recently withdrew from the DCTF program. Initially, > everything was challenging, but very exciting. However, > once the training institute began, there was nothing but > lengthy assignment after assignment after assignment, all > totally unreasonable and unnecessary. This combine...See More
Aug 5, 2012

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