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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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This company provides back-up childcare to corporations. I
would not recommend this company to anyone. The Directors,
Teachers, and Substitute Techers are severly underpaid.
The Centers are always understaffed and the employees are
overworked, especially in New York City.

The Management Team knows very little about Early Childhood
Development; and has poor communication skills.

The parents and clients do not respect the teaching staff
and treat them like nannys and babysitters.

The company goes out of its way to kiss the ass of its
corporate clientele and does very little for its
Another Teacher /blockquote>

Actually, I have to disagree. I am presently applying for a position in
a New York center of ChildrenFirst. The director has 20 years of
teaching experience and 2 masters degrees in education, in general
ed and special ed. My salary will be 35,000 per year, which while
not a huge amount of money, is definate...See More
Jul 17, 2003

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