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The federal money-laundering and conspiracy case involving
officials of the Washington Teachers' Union won its first
criminal conviction last week, when Leroy Holmes, the
former chauffeur for WTU President Barbara Bullock,
pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiring to launder more than
$1 million in union funds. While the conviction is
critical, the fact that the WTU and the American
Federation of Teachers think D.C. government is somehow
liable for its nonfeasance cannot be ignored.

Holmes cashed approximately $1.2 million in WTU checks,
most of which were issued payable to him. His role in the
skullduggery began in October 1998 and extended through
the middle of last year. Particularly noteworthy is the
fact that his criminal activities began long after the WTU
became delinquent in filing its internal audit with the
AFT, its parent union. Indicative of the AFT's nonfeasance
is the additional fact...See More

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