DC Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hello! I'm a freelance writer/poet based in Northern
Virginia and I was wondering if anybody knows how I can get
listed on the roster for Arts in Education/Artists in the

I am interested in working with a school that is underserved
in the language arts. (Ok, I know this is a gross
generalization, but I'm ignorant about the curriculum design
in DC Public Schools.) I am willing to help a school seek
funding for an Arts-in-Education project, help design a
plan,etc. I am aware that the grant deadlines for this
fiscal year may have passed. (The website that I found was
grossly outdated...)

I'm really just interested in working with teenagers -
junior and high school age - and helping them learn about
crative writing and professional writing as a way to enrich
their personal lives as well as their long-term goals. If
there is a position available at your school that is
available for this, or you ...See More

Teacher Chatboards


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Language Arts

Foreign Language