DC Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I just moved to DC and in September I will begin taking
courses to get certified in Trinity College. These classes
will be at night and only two days a week so I was hoping
to get a full time teaching job during the day (in an
effort to gain experience and pay bills).
I am actually from Nebraska and spent last year
participating in an Americorps program teaching refuge
children, and although difficult I thoroughly enjoyed it,
and would like to make teaching my profession.

I received a liberal arts education in Saint Louis and work
at the Washington University Library for a year. I also
did an internship at the Smithsonian for conservation of
Native American artefacts and although I decided that
conservationism was not my thing I feel in love with the

I need advise and any advise is more than welcome since I
feel that I might have already lost the opportunity to
te...See More

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