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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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    Hi, My name is Amy D. and I am a kindergarten teacher from Chicago, Illinois. I am leading a Christmas card exchange with K-2 teachers from across our country (one from every state). I posted ads on and several teacher’s groups on yahoo. I am currently searching for teachers to fill the last openings. Your state is one of the state...See More
    In these difficult financial times, the solution towards finding jobs may not be within the states. From March until August, I spent most of my financial resources driving around the United States in search for a teaching job. Unfortunately, most school districts were laying workers off. To make matters worse, if they had any openings, they were go...See More
    Calling a Delaware teacher...I need your help. The Delaware teacher who signed up for my postcard exchange is no longer able to participate. If you are from Delaware and would like to join, please contact me ASAP. I'll be starting this project in January.

    Please email me your name, school name, school address, email address, and grade. <...See More
    Boys & Girls Clubs of America has launched a national on- line financial literacy pledge called [link removed].

    The site asks teens to offer their first name, year of birth and zip code and submit. It also invites the pledge taker to share the pledge with peers via social media. We are not asking anyone to register or capturing e-mail ...See More
    Full-time Data Coach ________________________________________

    Wireless Generation creates innovative tools, systems, and professional learning services that help educators teach smarter. With its professional development, coaching and mobile assessment software, the company has supported efficient use of data to make effective data-based i...See More
    If you are interested, please feel free to follow along. Your students (and yourself, of course) are invited to participate in the region 2 challenge, view the pictures, make comments, etc. Hope you enjoy it. We have gotten hits from Australia, Brazil, Arizona, Illinois, etc, etc. I am having a GREAT time with this. Hope your students enjoy it also...See More
    Niagara University Invites K-12 Teachers to Apply for Summer Residential Program Investigating the History of Old Fort Niagara

    NIAGARA UNIVERSITY, N.Y. (Feb, 2011) – Niagara University is now accepting applications from K-12 teachers nationwide for a summer program entitled Crossroads of Empire: Cultural Contact and Imperial Rivalry at O...See More
    Dear Colleagues,

    We invite you to join us for our one-week workshops in June 2011. As NEH Summer Scholars at the “American History through the Eyes of a California Family” workshop, you will use the artifacts and archival sources of both the Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum and CSU Dominguez Hills Special Collections to trace the Domingue...See More
    Hello everybody, my name is Diego Gonzalez and I am a science teacher who teaches Science in a mid-school in Malaga (Andalucia) southern Spain.

    I'm currently in the United States with the intention of contact with teachers who could be interested in making an educational project for the next academic course 2011-2012, so that science stud...See More
    I am doing a survey as part of a project for a graduate course. If you could take a minute to take this survey, I would appreciate it. Thanks so much!

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