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What's it like to teach special education in Delaware? I am interested in this field, and am somewhat familiar with the sped teacher's job in PA, having taught in PA schools for a few years. Now, I live in DE, and am looking at my work options. I'm considering taking the spec. ed. Praxis in November.

Do sped teachers feel that they have adequate resources? Is the job similar to a PA spec. ed. teachers' job? (I heard that most sped teachers in DE do not write the IEPs; that there is a spec. ed. "specialist" in each building who writes IEPs). Why does DE just require passing the Praxis, yet PA will require me to do additional coursework to become certified in spec. ed.? I am interested in Learning Support, as they call it in PA- and the best way I can describe it is the spec. ed. teacher pulls kids out of inclusion classes for specialized help, and also co-teaches some with the regular classroom teacher. The spec. ed. teacher also coordinates paraprofessionals who work with the...See More

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